Box Office

The events below display the next available date for each comedy show but if you want to find future dates you can still click on them and you will be shown a calendar and given options to book future dates.

If you have a discount code you can redeem it by clicking on the date you want to buy tickets for bellow and the choosing how many tickets you want to buy.  Once you click on the buy button you will then get an option to enter you discount code




Expect top tier headliners from stage and TV plus support from the best up and coming names on the UK comedy circuit. We have a new line up, headliner and MC each week so you are always getting something fresh!

Brighton & Hove’s best small comedy club. We are the only independent comedy night in Brighton that now runs on every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday. So if you prefer a more intimate and friendly experience than going to a big comedy club this is the venue for you.

Spaces are limited and we fill up quickly, so get here early and have a drink, chat with old and new friends and hang out in this cool new art space/comedy club. “It’s a intimate, friendship-making and entertaining experience.” You will be up close and personal (it IS cosy!) with funny folks from London and south coast at the most welcoming and friendly funny venue in Hove (actually). Welcome ….to the Secret Comedy Club! Shhhh….

Friendly and intimate comedy night at the gorgeous Artista Cafe & Gallery. As we like to keep it friendly and fun we run a no heckling policy at The Secret Comedy Club (this mean any hecklers will be politely asked to leave)*  Due to high demand we now run two shows on a Friday and Saturday

What's On


Here are some of the great stand-up comedy acts we have had at The Secret Comedy Club